What past scholars say...
The young people who attend Oxford Farming Conference benefit greatly from the experience with a chance to network with industry leaders, contribute to the debates and interact with each other at the scholars' workshop. For many the experience has given them newfound confidence and opened up career opportunities. Below are some testimonials from three of our recent scholars:
Jenni Thompson (RABI Regional Manager)
My initial scholarship was funded by the Oxford Agricultural Society Trust in 2015, which led to me gaining a place on the first ever OFC travel scholarship in 2015/16. I loved every minute of being part of the OFC - an opportunity which opened my eyes to the breadth of the sector. It was great to have the chance to put my questions and concerns to leading politicians and figureheads in the open sessions, as well as meet leading figures in industry over dinner. I came away from the conferences with more confidence and drive to develop my career and succeed in the agricultural sector. Not only that but I also left with a fantastic network of friends for life - all with a shared passion for the industry. I couldn't recommend the experience more.
Robert Yardley (Velcourt Ltd, Trainee Farm Manager)
Attending the Oxford Farming Conference as a scholar in 2015, presented another side to agriculture I had never seen. The opportunities available to ask leading UK agricultural figures key questions, provided invaluable experience and personal development skills. Winning a place on the OFC travel scholarship enabled me to build a lifelong network of friends in various EU countries, encouraging knowledge exchange and reducing the ‘loneliness’ factor often associated with farming. The opportunities provided by the OFC have also led to me recently accepting a new role within Velcourt Ltd, as a Trainee Farm Manager, overseeing 1700 Hectares.
Janness Maes (Dairy Farm Manager, Belgium)
The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about the Oxford Farming Conference, is the chance I had to meet other young people out of the farming industry, from all over the UK and Europe. Second, the chance for us to have presentations and discussions on subjects that we had no knowledge of. This clearly opens the mind. Third, by having the whole industry represented, young people like myself have a better idea of how broad our sector is. This opens new paths and opportunities for the future.
If you want to be a scholar or to sponsor a scholar please contact secretariat@ofc.org.uk